The Film industry was a prolonged process of excepting different works. Films outside the mainstream/average production, like Experimental films, were usually short, and they were produced outside the film industry. Experimental films were much different than average films. They differed in that they didn’t have to tell a story. They don't have to include characters. There doesn't have to be a message of any kind. It can be visceral (relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect). or mundane (a complete bore). It can be highly personal or overtly political. It can be literally anything – just like a description of performance art. This was another reason for how quickly it got off the ground because so many directors and creative people decided to show the world their view of this new type of art. Now narrative and documentary films don't necessarily use all of these artistic elements. They keep it simple by focusing on creating an enhanced sense of narrative rather than creating pure aesthetic art. The best part of the new production styles in the film was that there were no wrong answers. People were now allowed to think outside the box and take gambles on the ideas they imagined and produced.
Hans Richter & Richter
Rene Clair
Germaine Dulac
Cinema Pur
City Symphony
Vertical Cinema
Film Lyric
Maya Deren
Norman McLaren & McLaren
Bruce Conner & Conner
Visualizing Effects
Non-Linear Editing Software
Portable Camera