Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Post 2 Dr. Raul Cuero

 Dr. Raul Cuero Ph.D.

living smart.

Dr. Raul Cuero Ph.D. is an extremely intelligent person. With his upbringing in an all-black culture and receiving little to nothing growing up, he feels this motivated him and gave him the knowledge to be so creative this is a result of why his views differ from the society. My favorite piece from Dr. Raul Cuero was when he said "to perceive nature, you have to be a good perceiver" which in my opinion he is trying to say to go through any process in life you need to experience the steps, you cannot plan creativity instead you should enjoy the process. Raul is a guy who takes everything head-on. He states that you need to be devoted and intense in whatever you work on. The reason I believe he has such a good work ethic is because of his mindset where he emphasizes, that you cannot be afraid of failure. You will never be able to give 100% if in the back of your mind you are worried about a bad outcome or how people will judge you. I also agree with Raul's views on technology as I think it is tarnishing the youth as I feel in many ways, they could be much more productive. But I think it all just comes down to doing these things in moderation, with nature and technology you need to have diversity between both. Our educational system needs to be better, and Raul gives reasons why and how to fix this. He says kids focus to much about going to school with one purpose, to get a job when you are really, they should be in the moment finding out who they are before what they want. I'm very happy to have studied and learned for a smart man Dr. Raul Cuero Ph.D. I hope to have a better understanding on living smart.

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